Mom at All Times

As a first-time mom, I found out many "perks" for welcoming baby to his new space. It was overwhelming to know the many things my precious one is needing to settle once I give birth. It turns out there is nothing under $0.00 - $0.01 as my viewers on TikTok might expect. 

Here are some places to find deals:

  • Facebook Market Place
  • Mom to be coupons 
  • Community Resources: Vouchers.

It is the closer to a deal I encountered under a no income budget opposed to the gift shop (something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation - definition by merriam webster dictionay) offers that come my way which you paid out of pocket for.

Some items that I fell in love with are:
  • A convertible bed from crib to twin bed.
  • A small foldable table for myself.
Going around will probably get you a better deal since online shopping became more expensive.
I created a mom to be Gift List Link where you can contribute, here is the link:

Do not forget to visit my shop for language acquisition resources and my accesories TikTok Shop.

What to Expect: 
  • A curious fact about pregnant women is that 1 in 4 do not receive the prenatal care they need.

Source: Walgreens Brochure. 
  • Providers for demonstrated people (pregnant women) in need are not able to provide.
Source: Provider(s) Oral Statement.

Unburdened by the passage of time within the circumstances.


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Here is my baby's daddy song ðŸ–¤.

Community Resources


  1. Sounds like a scam, sharing info you can find on the internet.

    1. You find 1 in 4 at the gynecology and obstetrician clinic being deny adequate prenatal care. You should ask them, what do you think they will say. How are you all neighbors without knowing about this stat. You all comments are knowledgeless and nontactful. Unless you all looking for information through the appropriate source such like those clinics or Department of Women Health to help, you shall not be contributing to the diminishing of a 1 in 4 woman. Remember invading someone else's space to make comments without base is defamation, as much as trying to hinder freedom of speech are federal crimes.

  2. Everything I seen on here is shady, it seems like an entitled karen running a scam of some sort. This should be shut down and people please do your research before you buy or donate money.

    1. I wonder how these kind of comments went through my filters and not 💲 donations. Refer to my prior reply about you all coomments.

  3. Replies
    1. That's pretty good you delete any bad comments


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